Amanda Darulek



When in the circus, Amanda was a tightrope walker, But she hated her job and wanted the circus to either close down or get fired. But one day, she found a book called "The Supernatural And Where To Find Them" and that book changed her life (not really) forever.  She started to collect books about the supernatural and then, fortune telling. Then she started to be obsessed with the unnatural and had an answer to when weird stuff was happening. But when they got kicked out of the circus and moved to Canada, she got a job fortune telling in a run down shack next to a shoe shop. 


Amanda is a weird bloke. Like having a venomous pet spider named Emma and trying to reach ghosts by using Emma's venom weird. But when you take away her 10 layers of weirdness, she cares for her friends, being the "mom" of the group. 

Amanda's Prized possessions

She has a ton of weird objects and mirrors rumored to be portals (making her a hoarder). She has so much stuff in her room, she had to make another room to put her things except her favorite mirror rumored to be a portal to an opposite world and a heart made of "antimatter." 

The items almost never work, making Hox, Chuck and Paige think it's fake.  She won't believe them though.

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